Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 2 Recovery, the hardest yet, with a few unexpected perks

We got home from the hospital about noon yesterday.  Though it's nice to be home, I miss (strangely) being connected to an IV.  I now have to make sure I'm constantly drinking water, instant breakfast (I'm already sick of Ensure!), and taking my meds.  I also am supposed to be ambulatory (moving around) and that was a lot easier to do at the hospital too!  No one gave me strange looks and there were really long hallways.  Here at home, I jsut walk around the main level a few times (not the same).  If I were brave I'd go outside, but I don't want to scare anyone, and since I can't talk well enough to explain the situation, it's inside I stay for now.  I was hoping Day 2 recovery would be easier, but it was not.  My face still feels very swollen (which it is!), and it's hard to sleep at night (afraid of suffocating, and have to get up frequently for meds) and the lack of sleep is catching up to me.  Supposedly swelling is supposed to peak at 72 hours (which is about 3 hours away for me).  I hope that's the case! 

I see my doc for my first post-op visit today, and I'm hoping he'll cut my rubber bands (which are banding my mouth shut for now). It's not a for sure thing, so I'll update later. 

I was a little disconcerted to find out at the hospital that I might need Physical Therapy to re-learn how to move my jaw.  I definitely need to stay positive and to remember to trust God through this process.  I am not in control, and you can't plan for everything!

On the bright side,  Lydia, has been as affectionate as ever, constantly telling me her love for me, and wanting to make sure I'm well taken care of with pillow and blankets, etc.  I wasn't sure how she'd react to this all, so that has been a nice surprise! !  And of course I'm so thankful for my mom (and Marc)right now!  She's a great "nurse", and Marc has been a trooper.  This has not been easy! 

Recovery Day 2 Picture

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