Tuesday, July 10, 2012

6 weeks post op

Well this is my first week on my own. However yesterday the kids spent the afternoon at Marc's mom's, and they had music camp in the morning, so it wasn't a "normal" day.

My energy continues to be at a good level. Like I mentioned in previous posts, my doctor put me back on a muscle relaxer which is good and bad. It's good because it will prevent night time clenching. However the cost is feeling more sluggish. I tried something new yesterday. I took the meds in the afternoon instead of evening in hopes that I wouldn't feel as sluggish in the morning. I'm happy to report that it worked. I just got tired earlier on in the evening, but I prefer that to feeling tired when I wake up.

I saw my orthodontist (Dr. W.) yesterday and he said it all still looks good. He can't start doing any adjustments on my braces until the splint is out so that's even more motivation to get this splint out. I'm still not opening far enough for my surgeon (Dr. K.) to remove the splint, and I see him a week from today so I'm really hoping I can by next week.

Dr. W. did add one more elastic to my mouth to help tighten things up and close a gap on my right side. I woke up with sore teeth due to the movement the elastic caused. I still have two elastics I also have to wear on my front teeth.

In food news, I've been able to eat Mac n cheese(no chewing, just swallowing), some chili, and egg salad. I can't believe I'm only two weeks away from (hopefully) being able to chew. I've heard it takes some time to re-learn and adjust to your new bite, but I'm excited nonetheless.

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