It's so nice to get to a point where I've lost count of how many weeks it's been! I think last week I did hit 100 days post op.
I had an ortho appointment today. It was pretty non-eventful. He fixed some wires that were tearing my cheeks up, and tightened some things. He estimated it will be 4 months before I'm out of braces. Yahoo! I just have to be really good about wearing my rubber bands.
As I was leaving for my appointment today, I told Lydia I was going to the doctor so he could fix my braces. She then asked, "Is he going to take your braces off?" to which I responded "Not yet, but soon!". I smiled as I walked to the car thinking she's just as excited as I am to have my braces off.
In other news, I've eaten my first salad, and am starting to get a little more feeling back in my chin. Dr. W. told me today, that the lower lip is the last place to get feeling back after surgery. That was encouraging as most of my lower lip is still numb!